
There are sometimes you would like to keep a record on what is said to a channel , or a conversation generally . TurboIRC gives you the feature to log the messages that appears in a channel in a file .

Logging dialog is shown if you press the button "Logging" . You need then to select the file that the log will be kept . If the file exists , then the logs will be appended to that file , so you can keep more than one logs to a single file . The default path for log files is a directory /LOG under your TurboIRC directory , but you may change it using the Preferences .

If you select "include colors and attributes" , then all bold/italic/underline/colors/size/beep attributes are stored in the log files . If not , all these are removed .

If you select Include Time prefix or Include Date prefix , each line in your log file will have the current time and/or the current date as a preffix .


To start the logging , press OK . Your status bar shows you that the window is logged .

To stop the logging , press the button "logging" again .

There are some cases that the server logs a channel activity . Usually , the IRCX servers assign +z to that channel . Check Control dialog and the IRCX draft .